Investment Consulting Services

The investment decisions you make affect your employees’ future quality of life and your bottom line. In today’s age of risk awareness and increased scrutiny, many plan sponsors face significant challenges related to the governance of their retirement programs and the success of their pension investment strategy.
Featured Solutions
Investment Strategy

We work with you to capture your goals, risk tolerance, return needs, and time horizon in an Investment Policy Statement that guides further investing. Our compliance program and benchmarks evaluation, selection of and due-diligence on investment managers and vendors, and a variety of proprietary portfolio analytics make sure the investment strategy continues to meet your original objectives.

Investment Policy Development

We start by analyzing your retirement program’s investment structure and financial strategies to ensure they align with your organization’s strategic intent for the plan. We provide a spectrum of investment advisory and implemented management services.

Manager Research and Selection

You rely on an investment manager to understand your priorities and objectives so that they can effectively execute your strategy. Our advisors ensure that the selected investment managers – along with their investment philosophies – help you meet your goals by developing a funding strategy that considers timing, amount of plan cash and accounting costs.

Investment Performance Management

We consistently monitor plan performance and risk relative to your objectives, evaluate your compliance program and benchmarks, and analyze the style of your fund manager along with other portfolio analytics to make sure your programs continue to meet your original objectives.

Featured Content

Investment Consulting Overview

Governance InSight


Reporting and Disclosure Guide: Retirement and Welfare Benefit Plans

Reporting and Disclosure Guide: Multiemployer Retirement and Welfare Benefit Plans

Investment Consulting Services
Annuity and Lifetime Income Solutions
Fund Selection and Monitoring
Investment Manager Selection and Monitoring
Investment Strategy and Policy for Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Plans
Investment Training
